2023 CSHL Computational Genomics Course, Nov. 29 - Dec. 6, Applications Due Aug. 15

The CSHL advanced course on Computational Genomics will take place at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory from November 29 - December 6, 2023. David Hawkins from the University of Washington Seattle, Danny Miller from the University of Washington Seattle, and Lauren Mills from the University of Minnesota will combine lectures with hands-on exercises and present a comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of computational methods for the characterization of functional elements in DNA and RNA sequence data with the goal of helping students achieve a deep, algorithmic understanding of the technologies and methods used to reveal genome function. The aim of the course is to  push beyond basic data analysis, and into experimental design and the development of new analysis strategies. Students do not need to have advanced programming skills.

Topic covered in the class include:

  • Protein & DNA sequence similarity, comparisons, multiple alignments, and database searches

  • Alignment & analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, with applications from RNA-Seq & ChIP-Seq experiments

  • Analysis environments including Galaxy, RStudio, and the UNIX command line, with a strong focus on reproducible research

  • Statistical considerations in the design and analysis of genomic experiments

  • Regulatory element and motif identification from conserved signals in aligned and unaligned sequences

  • Integration of genetic and sequence information in biological databases

  • Genome browsers and features

The application deadline is August 15th. Visit the course website for more information, including information on stipends to offset tuition costs.