Collaborator: Oryza genomes (OMAP & OGE)



  • Name PI of the project (link to labpage/homepage)

    Dr. Rod Wing

LAB Website Arizona Genomics Institute []

Project title: Oryza Genome Evolution (OGE) Project Funding agency : National Science Foundation Grant number : (NSF 1026200)

Type of the Data sets : AGI helped and coordinated efforts to assemble and annotate Oryza full genome sequences from our International Oryza Map Alignment Project(OMAP) collaborators. The NSF OGE & IOMAP projects have now assembled and quality controlled what we call the “12 Oryza genome data package” that bridges ~15MY of evolutionary history. This includes 11 Oryza genome assemblies, plus the Leerisa perrieri genome (i.e. sister outgroup species). On top of these genomes, we have layered baseline transcriptome data from leaves, roots, and mixed stage panicles, as well as whole genome methylation data generated by the Detlef Weigel lab.These assemblies have been annotated using a common annotation pipeline (MAKER) for genes and repeats. The repeats have also been manually annotated by a team of world renowned annotators led by NSF funded AGI Postdoc Dario Copetti

Link to data sets :All data submitted to NCBI Genbank

  • Publication(s)