Collaborator: Centromere annotation (Improving the B73 maize assembly)
- The CEN10 work and preliminary work on other CENs was done with funding from NSF DBI 0922703: "Functional Genomics of Maize Centromeres".
- Pending (NSF Plant Genomes).
- Type of the Data sets submitted or expected from this group: Improved centromere maize B73 assembly sequence data
- Short description of data: During the pilot phase of the project, the Ware Lab generated 17X coverage of the B73 assembly (V4) using the new P6 chemistry from 60X PACBio sequences. Using this information, the Presting Lab generated complimentary data and improvements to the centromere sequence. Additional improvements are expected with a new draft assembly with ~65x coverage.
- Link to data sets:
- Cross-reference (if these data is submitted to other public databases)
- Publications:

Gernot Presting