
Penn State's 39th Summer Symposium on Chromatin and Gene Regulation, Aug. 6-9, Abstracts for Short Talks due June 1, Poster Abstracts due June 15

Penn State Eberly School of Science is hosting the 39th Summer Symposium on Chromatin and Gene Regulation from August 6-9, 2023. The conference gathers professionals from universities, public- and private-sector research organizations, and industry to cultivate new ideas and promote collaborations. Dr. Geeta Narlikar, from the University of California, San Francisco, will be the keynote speaker.

Programming for Biology, CSHL Oct. 16-31, Applications Due July 15

Simon Prochnik, from Circularis Biotech Inc., and Sofia Robb, from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research, will be teaching the “Programming for Biology” course from October 16-31 at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The class is designed for lab biologists with little or no programming experience.

National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative Inaugural Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska, May 10-12, 2023

The National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative Inaugural Conference is taking place at the Nebraska Innovation Campus in Lincoln, Nebraska from May 10-12, 2023. The NAPDC was tasked with developing a framework for national cyberinfrastructure to increase production and drive innovation in agriculture.

Gramene at ASPB Northeast Section 2023 Meeting, SUNY Old Westbury

The American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) hosted its 86th annual Northeastern section conference at SUNY Old Westbury from April 22-23, 2023.  The meeting covered the most recent developments in plant biology, and brought together over 60 leading plant scientists and researchers. The conference featured 22 talks, over 24 posters and over 40 abstracts.

PAG Australia, Sept 20-22, Perth, Poster Abstracts due Aug. 25

The International Plant and Animal Genome Conference will be held in Perth, Australia from September 20-22, 2023. The conference will consist of 7 plenary sessions and 35 scientific workshops, as well as poster sessions, a vendor expo, and networking opportunities. Keynote speakers include:

International Symposium on Plant Propagation, Nursery Organization and Management for the Production of Certified Fruit Trees in Bari, Italy on July 3-7, 2023

The International Society for Horticultural Science is hosting the International Symposium on Plant Propagation, Nursery Organization and Management for the Production of Certified Fruit Trees in Bari, Italy from July 3-7, 2023.


Chromatin, Epigenetics & Gene Expression, CSHL July 26 - Aug. 15

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is holding the “Chromatin, Epigenetics & Gene Expression” advanced course from July 26 - August 15, 2023.


American Society for Horticultural Science in Orlando, Florida, July 31 - Aug 4, 2023

The American Society for Horticultural Science is hosting its annual conference in Orlando, Florida from July 31st to August 4th of 2023.


Over 500 Leading Maize Scientists and Researchers Attended the Maize Genetics meeting, Gramene Team Presented Workshop

The 65th Annual Maize Genetics Cooperation meeting took place from March 16th to the 19th of 2023 in St. Louis, Missouri.

Statistical Analysis of Genome Scale Data, CSHL June 30 - July 13

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is holding the  “Statistical Analysis of Genome Scale Data” advanced course from June 30 - July 13, 2023.



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