
Job Opening - USDA-ARS National Program Leader, Grain Crops - Beltsville, Maryland

The USDA-ARS Office of National Programs in Beltsville, Maryland is seeking a National Program Leader to provide leadership and direction for national and regional research programs related to grain crop improvement, production and protection.


COST Innovator Grant Was Awarded to Grapedia Team

GRAPEDIA, the Grapevine Genomics Encyclopedia, a platform for centralizing resources for research into grape cultivars, was recently funded through a grant from COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).


Camille Rustenholz and Tomas Matus, Grapedia chairs. Photo credit Tomas Matus.


The Gramene Gene Tree Tool Introduced During the Kickoff of the 2022 INTEGRAPE Annot’Training School

The COST Action CA17111 INTEGRAPE Annot’Training School, a hybrid training school on Gene Annotation & Manual Curation of the Vitis vinifera clone PN40024 Grape Reference Genome, was


Figure. Searching for a grapevine gene in the search panel of the Vitis PanGenome (

Joint Genome Institute (JGI) Genomics of Energy & Environment Conference, August 29-31, 2022

The DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI) is hosting the Genomics of Energy & Environment Meeting, which will take place both in-person at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and virtually.


Gramene Present at the 2022 ASPB Conference with Workshops, Posters and Talks

The American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) and the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB) hosted their 2022 Conference, PB 2022, in Portland, Oregon from July 9-13.


Dr Lifang Zhang presenting the Gramene poster. Photo credit Janeen Braynen.

Computational Genomics Course at CSHL on Nov-Dec 2022, Apply by Aug 15

CSHL Computational Genomics Course

November 30 - December 7, 2022
Application Deadline: August 15, 2022


David Hawkins, University of Washington Seattle
William Pearson, University of Virginia, Charlottesville


Lauren Mills, University of Minnesota



Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings & Courses

CSHL to host Biological Data Science meeting, Nov. 9 - Nov. 12, abstracts due Aug. 26/Oct. 1

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory will host the 5th meeting on Biological Data Science from November 9 to November 12, 2022.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Meetings & Conferences

International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics, Nov. 4-7 of 2022 in Phuket, Thailand

The 19th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics (ISRFG 2022) will be held from November 4-7th at Le Meridien Beach Resort Hotel in Phuket, Thailand. The theme for the conference is “Driving the Next Green Revolution: New Frontiers in Food and Nutritional Security” and will focus on functional genomics underlying new traits/genes for adaptability under extreme climate changes and productivity of rice grown in environmentally friendly practices.

SorghumBase release 4 is out with updated gene and transcript names and synonyms for BTx623

SorghumBase ( has just announced its 4th release (see release notes #4). This release included the genome assembly and annotation of the poplar tree, Populus trichocarpa v4.1 from JGI Phytozome, a dicot model plant that like sorghum, is also studied for drought tolerance and bioenergy production.

AG2PI Workshop, Intermediate Omics Data-Enabled Genomic Prediction and Mediation Analysis, July 26

The Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI) is hosting a virtual workshop entitled “Intermediate Omics Data-Enabled Genomic Prediction and Mediation Analysis” on July 26 from 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST. The workshop will focus on the principles of applying omics data to predict gene loci of phenotypic traits. The presenters are Jinliang Yang, from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Hao Cheng, from the University of California, Davis.



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