Registration is open for the 2nd Sorghum in the 21st Century Global Sorghum Conference, hosted by the French research institution CIRAD and an international consortium of sorghum research partners, which will be taking place from June 5th to 9th of 2023 in Montpellier, France.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory will host the Biology of Genomes Conference from May 9-13, 2023. The keynote speakers are Evan Eichler from the University of Washington / HHMI and Erich Jarvis from Rockefeller University / HHMI.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is hosting a meeting titled “Probabilistic Modeling In Genomics” from March 8-11 on the laboratory’s campus in Cold Spring Harbor, NY. The conference will include plenary speeches, talks, posters and opportunities for networking.
The Plant and Animal Genome Conference is taking place in San Diego, Calfornia from January 13-18 of 2023, and Gramene is participating with exciting workshops, talks, posters, and outreach events.
Get the latest updates to Gramene’s comparative genomics and pathways visualization/mining tools to aid your research of plant models and crops or simply stop by to say hi! to the Gramene Team representatives at any of the events listed below.
Over 3,000 genetic scientists and researchers in plant and animal research will gather from January 13-18 in San Diego, California for The Plant & Animal Genome Conference (PAG30).
The Maize Genetics Cooperation is hosting its 65th annual meeting from March 16th to the 19th of 2023 in St. Louis, Missouri. The meeting will include plenary talks, oral presentations, poster sessions, and opportunities for networking.
Applications for travel awards for the 65th Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM) are due December 15th. The conference is being held from March 16-19 in St. Louis, Missouri.
The three different grant opportunities for a travel award are: