Submitted by admin on Tue, 07/06/2010 - 14:25
In collaboration with Ensembl Genomes, Gramene announces an interim update to our 31st build as follows:
- Updated A. thaliana variation database including data from Norborg GWAS, 1001 Genomes Project and WTCHG
- Updated O. sativa japonica variation database including OryzaSNP data
- Updated V. vinifera variation database for new assembly
- Updated BioMart
Also included is a software update from Ensembl version 57 to 58 that provides the following:
- Slider navigation for location views; The ramp navigation on location views has been replaced by a slider, which updates the page dynamically.
- Variations on sequence views; Variations are now coloured by consequence type across all sequence views. These colours match those on the image-based views. Additionally, clicking on a variation on sequence views will display a popup with information about that variation and links to its page.
- Sortable tables (all species); Numerous tables across the site now have sortable and hideable columns. In addition these tables feature pagination, where there are sufficient entries, and entry searching.