2012 International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR)

The 23rd ICAR will be taking place at the Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna, Austria on July 3-7, 2012.  This annual conference is the largest gathering of scientists working on Arabidopsis.  It is expected that over 800 participants from around the world will attend.
Unfortunately no Gramene representative will be on site to personally assist Gramene users who benefit from the wealth of data and features (see example below) that our comparative plant genomics resource has to offer, but you may still be able to get a hold of one of our pamphlets which will be freely available during the meeting.

Gramene hosts a total of 19 complete genomes including crops, model organisms and lower plants, and partial genomes of 10 wild rice species.  The following Arabidopsis-specific Lastz-net alignments were made available in our most recent Gramene release 35:

* Arabidopsis thaliana v.s. Brassica rapa
* Arabidopsis thaliana v.s. Setaria italica (foxtail millet)
* Arabidopsis thaliana v.s. Oryza brachyantha
* Arabidopsis thaliana v.s. Solanum lycopersicum (tomato)
* Arabidopsis thaliana v.s. Cyanidioschyzon merolae (red algae)