How to get maize genes with Affymetrix IDs

A user wrote in asking how "to find the GRMZ corn ids that correspond to microarray ids on the Affymetrix Commerical Maize array." Gramene's BioMart tool is the way to get this information. Start by selecting "Gramene Mart" from our home page. "CHOOSE DATABASE" to be "Plant Genes" and then "CHOOSE DATASET" to be "Zea mays genes." Go to "Filters" and open the "GENE" box. Select the first box, "Limit to genes…" and then "with Affy maize ID(s)." Then open "Attributes" and open the "EXTERNAL" box and select "Affy maize ID." This finds 14,001 genes, and you can choose to export the results to a file or take them into the Galaxy tool.