Highlights of the 2016 GODAN Summit

The Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) initiative supports the proactive sharing of open data to make information about agriculture and nutrition available, accessible and usable to deal with the urgent challenge of ensuring world food security. GODAN is also a rapidly growing initiative with over 370 international partners from governments, universities, businesses, and not-for-profits.

The 2016 GODAN Summit took place on September 15-16, 2016 in New York City, and brought together world leaders, researchers, farmers, students and others – public, private and non-profit united around a collaboration on agriculture and nutrition data openness. According to GODAN organizers, the success of the meeting was reflected by 800 registered attendees representing over 45 countries, 40 exhibitors, over 100 speakers, 12 concurrent sessions, a Hackathon, amazing artwork by Drawnalism, the GODAN High-Level Forum at the United Nations, and delivery of the GODAN Petition.

Gramene and collaborators partnered to introduce publicly available plant bioinformatics resources to participants of the under the collective exhibit "Open Data: Ontologies & Genomes".


Open Data: Ontologies & Genomes booth exhibit. Dr. Pankaj Jaiswal (OSU) and Dr. Doreen Ware (CSHL) with summit participants.

Open Data: Ontologies & Genomes booth exhibit. Left to right: Dr. G.I. Okafor (U Nigeria), Mayte Morillas (IC3-FOODS - ETH Zurich), Dr. Marcela Karey Tello-Ruiz (Gramene - CSHL), and Dr. Pankaj Jaiswal (Planteome & Gramene - OSU). Copyrighted Photo Credit: Perry Bindelglass

Gramene @ GODAN Summit 2016. Left to right: Dr. Michael Campbell (CSHL), Dr. Marcela Karey Tello-Ruiz (CSHL) and Dr. Pankaj Jaiswal (OSU).