The Gramene database is pleased to host another FREE 30-min webinar entitled "Gramene Browser: Converting genomic coordinates between reference assemblies".
With the increasing number of genome assemblies generated, mapping genomic coordinates between assemblies provides scientists a convenient way to relate annotations on different versions of the assemblies. During this webinar, Kapeel Chougule, a Computational Science Developer at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, will demonstrate how to use the assembly converter tool available on Gramene to convert features annotated on one genome assembly to another. He will demonstrate how to use the assembly converter tool using various input file formats, show different ways to bring in your data file, and navigate through the results.
Join us online on
Tuesday, Dec 6th, 2016 at 2:00 pm EST (11:00 am PST).
More information can be found here
The Gramene webinar series consists of monthly FREE 30-min webinars during which we strive to provide a quick overview of the data, tools, and services that the Gramene database offers for comparative genomics visualization and analysis. In addition to answering your questions, each webinar demo in the series covers practical examples to address specific topics of general interest.
Gramene is a curated, open-source, integrated data resource for comparative functional genomics in crops and model plant species (unded by NSF award IOS:1127112).
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