Scholarships available for PUI faculty -- Maize Annotation Jamboree: RESCHEDULED for 2019

The NSF-funded MaizeCODE and Gramene projects invites PUI faculty to apply to participate in maize genome annotation jamborees in 2019. The goal of each Jamboree will be to test and mature genome annotation tools being developed for MaizeCODE, while contributing to the genome annotation of the 24 NAM founder lines of the Maize PanGenome.
Candidates should be PUI faculty looking to involve students in authentic research by making meaningful contributions to the improvement of reference Maize genomes at PanMaize. We will introduce tools developed by MaizeCODE and Gramene and provide help and support for faculty bringing these tools into the classroom. Basic bioinformatics skills and familiarity with genome annotation and databases, such as Gramene and MaizeGDB, or in-depth knowledge of the biology and genetics of maize, are very desirable. A total of 10 faculty will be funded to participate.
The Maize Annotation Jamboree will take place in the context of a relevant plant science meeting TBD.

More information coming soon...


Doreen Ware, Ph.D. & Marcela Karey Tello-Ruiz, Ph.D. [contact email:] Gramene, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Dave Micklos, D.Sc. & Cristina Fernandez-Marco, Ph.D. MaizeCODE, DNA Learning Center