COST InteGrape Training (Nov 30-Dec 4, 2020) - Apply by Oct 31

METHADA 2020 eHandsOn: Virtual Training School on transcriptomic metadata handling and data analysis
DATE: November 30th- December 4th 2020
The rise of the latest technologies combining physics, optics, chemistry and its application to molecular biology has led to high-throughput experiments, yielding an explosion of publicly available data. This data ranges from Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to transcriptomics, phenomics, metabolomics to large scale single cell data. In the case of transcriptomics, which generates to date the biggest amount of data compared to other omics, protocols for data submission are not fully standardized for grapevine data and not controlled by the research community. Publicly available gene expression datasets have a hidden true potential in the light of data reanalysis and integration. In line with the FAIR (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) principles our next challenge as a community relies on providing correct sample and experiment annotations, using controlled vocabularies to ensure both human readability and computational tractability. This training school addresses genomics data handling and analysis, and it is organized in three modules.
In the first unit, trainees will work on learning how to use the guidelines provided by the INTEGRAPE community to correctly annotate experiments and submit them onto a public repository. We will explore standards and bio-ontologies for FAIR data annotation using their personal data.
The second module will teach the trainees how to use the tools from Sequentia (AIR for transcriptomics).
Finally, attendees will be introduced to the GREAT (GRapevine Expression ATlas) platform for transcriptomic meta-analysis. The GREAT platform is a good example of reusing publicly available RNA-seq data to answer new biological questions. Trainees will have the opportunity to explore the GREAT platform with their own list of genes of interest (15 genes max. in VCostv3 annotation see Canaguier et al., 2017).
Visit the INTEGRAPE website for information and full program:
Selection criteria of trainees:
Evaluation of applications will be based on the following criteria:

Priority will be given to those with the correct criteria among PhD students, early career researchers and others from COST member countries as well as MC Observers from Near-Neighbouring countries. Those with correct criteria from non-COST countries are also encouraged to apply. COST eligibility details are available on pages 26/27 of the COST Vademecum (

Evaluation of applicants will be based on the following criteria:
- Postdocs, PhD students, PI s and bioinformaticians working with computational biology related to grapevine with high motivation in spreading these good practices learned during the training school.
- Trainees must have transcriptomics or genomics data that they are planning to submit to public databases or already submitted data.
- A maximum of 20 trainees will be selected but participation as observers are welcome

Selection of participants will be made by COST Integrape local organisers on the basis of all submitted data:

-Reasons for participating

-Curriculum vitae

The training school will be free to attend, but as the training school will be online, travel or other related expenses will not be reimbursed.