A few years ago Greg Wilson, a student in the McCouch Lab at Cornell University, developed a web-based marker search tool called CHARM which greatly simplifies the search for rice SSR markers in a region of interest. This tool may be of particular utility for rice geneticists and breeders who simply want to retrieve a list of all SSRs between two markers, between two positions, or flanking an SSR marker on the TIGRv4(Nippon), IRGSPv4(Nippon), and BGI/9311 pseudomolecules. There is also a feature that allows you to search for an RM marker based on known primer sequences. It is possible to do some of these searches in Gramene as well, but CHARM provides a more direct route and a tighter focus for those who just want to quickly churn out a list of rice SSR markers to try. Check out the Gramene summary page on rice microsatellite markers for more on rice SSRs in Gramene.