
Search Gramene database using Biobar

A toolbar for browsing biological data and databases now provides capability to search Gramene database from its web browser toolbar. For more details and installation please visit Biobar project site.

Gramene Tutorials

Gramene tutorials are currently hosted at OpenHelix. The "Tip of the week: Fun in the Grass" posted on OpenHelix blog provides a nice introduction to users who wants to learn about functionality of Gramene database.

Plant Ontology at MetaCyc workshop

BTI at Cornell University will be hosting a workshop for users of the MetaCyc and related databases on October 21, 2008.  The program is particularly for the users of the Omics viewer and pathway prediction for newly sequenced organisms.  Participants wanting to analyze microarray and other large gene data on the Omics viewer are encouraged to attend.

Chih-Wei Tung (POC coordinator) will talk about "Plant Ontology and Pathways"  in this workshop.

Gramene announces news blog

We are happy to announce a new web log for our users to keep in touch with recent happenings and news items Gramene. You can subscribe to the RSS feed or just check our link.

Gene Nomenclature System for Rice

"Gene Nomenclature System for Rice" by Committee on Gene Symbolization, Nomenclature and Linkage, Rice Genetics Cooperative has been electronically published as Open Access by Rice Journal.

Travel awards

Travel awards for international rice functional genomics symposium Nov. 10-12 2008 Korea. More details.

Gramene search within Firefox

Firefox users can now add a Gramene quicksearch link right from their browsers.


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