
MaizeCyc version 2.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of the MaizeCyc database version 2.0 (official release). MaizeCyc is accessible from the following mirror sites:

Gramene at IBC

Pankaj Jaiswal, co-PI of the Gramene project, is currently at the XVIII International Botanical Congress's meeting in Melbourne, Australia, where he will be presenting a talk entitled "The past, present and future: ontologies for plant biology" (Symposium #Sym048) on July 28, 2011. He is also presenting an e-poster on "Plant Comparative Genomics Tools from the Gramene Database."

Gramene at Gordon Plant Metabolic Engineering Conference

Doreen Ware, co-PI on the Gramene project, will be attending the Gordon Plant Metabolic Engineering Conference in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, to deliver a talk entitled "The DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase (Kbase) for Energy and the Environment" on Wednesday, July 27, from 11:20 - 11:55 AM.

European Brachypodium Workshop

The European Brachypodium Workshop will be held at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Versailles, France October 19-21, 2011. The meeting will be devoted to the use of Brachypodium in plant biology as a model for grasses. The goal of this workshop is to bring together the Brachypodium community but also researchers interested in comparative genomics.

Arabidopsis meeting results

Joshua Stein speaking at the Arabidopsis 2011 meeting.Josh, Doreen and Pankaj enjoyed their time at the ICAR meeting last week in Madison. Our workshop was well-attended, and they had a chance to meet with many researchers at our booth to describe the resources Gramene can offer to the Arabidopsis community. We have posted all the presentation and workshop materials on our outreach website.

Tassel MLM tutorial

We have created a new video tutorial describing how to perform MLM analysis using the Tassel tool. For more tutorials, please see our website.

Gramene Arabidopsis booth, workshop in Madison this week

Gramene member Joshua Stein and Gramene PIs Doreen Ware and Pankaj Jaiswal will be present at the 22nd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR) meeting this week in Madison, WI. We will be answering your questions at our booth in the exhibitor's hall and will also host a workshop on Arabidopsis resources available at Gramene. Topics will include:

PLoS ONE paper on circadian rhythms

Gramene team members Pankaj Jaiswal and Palitha Dharmawardhana from Oregon State University contributed to a recent publication in PLoS ONE entitled "Global Profiling of Rice and Poplar Transcriptomes Highlights Key Conserved Circadian-Controlled Pathways and cis-Regulatory Modules.

Gramene at grape conference

Gramene is sending a member to the International Grape Genome Program's (IGGP) 3rd Annual Grape Research Conference happening this weekend in Lake Tahoe, CA. We will present many resources available within Gramene for grape researchers such as our grape genome browser, BLASTZ alignments, tandem genes, split paralogs, gene trees, orthologs, and visualizing custom data.

Gramene at Biology of Genomes meeting

Marcela Monaco, who works on Gramene's pathways section, will be presenting a poster on Gramene's 33rd build at the Biology of Genomes meeting being held this week at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Stop by for a chat if you are in town.


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